諗住預期之中係會好多free play, 但又唔係嗰回事喎,原來係好充實嘅一個playgroup。個Miss好似本身教緊青衣Esf playgroup,然後今堂掉咗過嚟。
2/F Prime Mansion, 183-187 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
ESF 14m
- 一堂大概六至七個BB,有一個21個月嘅BB(大B),其他都係12至14個月。
- Circle time
- Hello song to each baby
- 同Baumhaus 一樣,越外國式嘅教育就越Treasure每一個小朋友identical嘅一面
- Weather today is sunny
- One little finger, one little finger, tap tap tap, put your finger up, put your finger down, put it on your head/cheek/arm/leg/toes
- QQ第一次學呢首歌
- The wheel on the bus
- Story time is brown bear brown bear
- Zoom zoom zoom,原來sing along series真係咁有用
- 都係要家長舉高個BB
- Sponge ball to sticky wall
- QQ walk through a mess (sponge ball) to the sticky wall
- 連Miss都讚佢
- 收拾嗰方面QQ不嬲做得好好
- 短時間嘅free play
- 入班房Play with water beans
- QQ真係好跟指示
- Bubble gun
- Goodbye song
- Miss forgot when to get off class
- 有個外籍爸爸提Miss好似仲有半個鐘先落堂
- Play dough
- Miss 讚佢fine motor very good, 得QQ一個BB將面粉團搣到好細粒(見圖)
- with eye
- QQ整咗隻怪物出嚟,好多隻眼
- Old McDonald 要響個袋入邊嘅每一個小朋友抽隻動物出嚟。當QQ抽倒隻香蕉,佢興奮到大笑。
- suppose每個小朋友抽一次。有日本小朋友瞓着咗,所以Miss自己抽最後一隻狗狗,QQ衝咗過去拎住,我好自然反應叫佢turn around and show it to the class,而QQ又真係好follow instruction。後尾先諗起Esf 唔鍾意家長比指示小朋友,想小朋友自己發掘點樣做。媽媽GG。